Organized by Diablo Cycling Team
Sunday, October 02, 2022
Racing for all ages and skill levels between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
With a looming berm and dastardly sand pits through barns, Sunnyview will test your power and your handling skills.
Plus up and down the grueling berminator. Free beer for racers, and plenty of places for the family to hang out. Tacos from Rose’s Taco Truck (you may remember them from Silver Creek – and make sure you bring CASH!)
Speaking of cash, there will be payouts for all afternoon podiums.
Indoor bathrooms available as well as indoor registration and area to warm up.
NOTE: Due to major construction at the original location, Woodland Cross has been moved to Sunnyview Exposition Center.

Race support
Wheel & Sprocket of Appleton will be providing neutral support during the race.
Additional info
These pages are managed by race organizers, and may contain more closely monitored and updated information.