Daily Timetables – 2024


Not sure which race to enter? See below for further clarifications.

Start Category Gender Age Duration Podium
9:00 am Masters 4/5 Novice adults welcome. Open 35+ 30 min 10:00 am
9:01 am Masters 4/5 Novice adults welcome. 60+ scored separately. Open 50+ 30 min 10:00 am
9:45 am Masters 1/2/3/4/5 Novice adults welcome. Women 35+ 30 min 10:45 am
9:46 am Cat 4/5 Novices welcome. Women All ages 30 min 10:45 am
9:47 am Cat 1/2/3/4/5 Novices welcome. Non-binary All ages 30 min 10:45 am
10:30 am Cat 4 Open All ages 30 min 11:30 am
10:31 am Cat 5 Novices welcome. Open All ages 30 min 11:30 am
11:15 am Junior All skill levels. Boys, girls and non-binary riders start together, but are scored separately. Open 15-18 30 min 12:15 pm
11:16 am Junior All skill levels. Boys, girls and non-binary riders start together, but are scored separately. Open 9-14 30 min 12:15 pm
11:45 am COURSE INSPECTIONCourse is open for afternoon pre-ride. 30 min
12:15 pm Cat 1/2 Women All ages 45 min 1:30 pm
12:16 pm Cat 3/4 Women All ages 45 min 1:30 pm
1:15 pm Single speed 1/2/3 Riders must use one gear only. Women and men start together, but are scored separately. Open All ages 45 min 2:40 pm
1:15 pm Single speed 1/2/3 Riders must use one gear only. Women and men start together, but are scored separately. Women All ages 45 min 2:40 pm
1:16 pm Masters 1/2/3 60+ scored separately. Open 50+ 45 min 2:40 pm
2:15 pm Cat 1/2/3 Open All ages 55 min 3:40 pm
2:16 pm Masters 1/2/3 Open 35+ 55 min 3:40 pm
3:25 pm Cat 3/4 Open All ages 45 min 4:40 pm
3:26 pm Single speed 4/5 Novices welcome. Riders must use one gear only. Women and men start together, but are scored separately. Open All ages 45 min 4:40 pm
3:26 pm Single speed 4/5 Novices welcome. Riders must use one gear only. Women and men start together, but are scored separately. Women All ages 45 min 4:40 pm
Bonus race Held at the discretion of race organizers. Check with organizers for details. Novice adults welcome. Open All ages

Keep in mind the filters above will highlight races for specific groups, but women and juniors may also enter all-ages and open races as well. See below for further clarifications.

Notes and clarifications

Categories (aka Cats)

  • First-time and novice men can enter any Cat 5 open race.
  • Fist time and novice women can enter any Cat 5 women’s race OR Cat 5 open race.
  • You can enter multiple races (usually at a discount!).


  • Open races welcome any gender.
  • All men’s races are considered open.
  • Trans women are women, and therefore all women’s races are trans/femme inclusive.
  • Women competing in open gender races are NOT scored separate from men, with the exception of single-speed races, in which men and women are scored separately.

Age Groups

If you were born betweenYour CX racing age isYou may race in
2016-20119-14Junior 9-14, Junior 15-18, All-ages
2010-200715-18Junior 15-18, All-ages
1990-197635-49All-ages, Masters 35+
1975 or before50+All-ages, Masters 35+, Masters 50+
  • Your cyclocross race age is the age you will be on December 31st of the year that the season ends. Because our season starts in September and ends the following year in January, your age will usually be +1 or 2 years.

    [Example: You are 33 years old. Your race season starts in September 2024 (you are still 33), but you have a birthday in October 2024 (making you 34 at the end of the year). The World Champs will be in January 2025 (you are still 34) but your age is taken at the end of that year. You will have another birthday in October 2025 (making you 35).

    Thus, your real age on December 31, 2025 will be your race age for the entire 2024 season. This means as a 33-year-old you may race in the 35+ races, or as a 14-year-old Junior, you may be required to race in the 15-18 category.]
  • All Ages races welcome racers of any age, including Juniors, 35+ and 50+ racers.
  • Junior participants may race up in older age categories, but not down.
  • 35+ and 50+ participants may race down age categories, but not up.

Start times

  • Due to time constraints and field sizes, we cannot guarantee completely separate start times. As a result, you may find yourself racing along side people (of other ages and genders) who are not in your category. Note the start time blocks to understand who you may be sharing the field with.

Questions? Email us.
